the life of Drew Gavin

From 3 to 5

While the past 18 months of being a family of 3 have been amazing, we are so excited to now be a family of 5! We are so excited to introduce our newest additions:

Henry Joshua and Tyler Benjamin

Please visit our new blog:

to continue to get Drew’s news– as well as Henry and Tyler’s!!

Mickey Mouse

We couldn’t decide if we should decorate Drew’s room with trucks or baseball, but when Dave found this Mickey Mouse Cardinal, we knew that combining two of his favorite things would be perfect. Here’s some pictures of his first look at his new wall decor…

Drew is definitely a true toddler at 18 months! Top words in his countless vocabulary are “mine” and “no”, but he continues to prove to be a talker as he rarely speaks in less than 2 word phrases. His favorites these days include Mickey Mouse, baseball, and of course, trucks, “copters,” and airplanes. His easygoing personality has been priceless as he goes between both sets of Granparents’ houses while Mommy is in the hospital waiting for his baby brothers.  New Stats:

weight: 24 lbs 12 oz (32%)

height: 33 inches (66%)


As I’ve said, Drew LOVES trucks– he can name many of them: backhoe (or “ha-hoe”), digger, bulldozer, crane, trash truck, etc, etc… quite impressive. You can imagine his excitement when the workers on Lala and Pop’s street let him sit in their “ha-hoe.”

Wedding weekend

The Nickell’s came in to celebrate Jaime and David’s beautiful wedding. Dave and Drew had a great time at the rehearsal dinner and brunch, and Dave and I were so happy to attend the actual wedding day celebration.  Drew also had a great time playing with his cousins while they were in town.

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Backyard Fun


golfing in the pool


Drew loves to color! He loves to sit at the table and color with crayons (particularly blue) and likes to use the magnets on the magna doodle, too. If he sees crayons, he’ll say “color, color, color” until you let him. Of course his OT mommy loves having a little boy that has an interest in any fine motor activity! You can hear him name his colors in the video.


Drew is taking swimming lessons at Lala and Pop’s neighbor’s pool.  He seems to be a natural so far!

On Father’s day, Dave took Drew to the Cardinals game with Grandpa, Pop, and Uncle Jason. Drew had a blast looking at all the hats, bats, Fredbird, and Cardinals. He made it through all 9 innings to see the walk off home run for the win!

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Drew’s personality has come out so much lately with all of his talking. He is very interested in colors and loves to point out the color of everything he sees. He learned blue first and it quickly became his favorite and his fall back if he doesn’t know a color name (but he’s pretty consistent with blue, green, yellow, red, and black)! Fortunately, there’s a lot of things that are blue in his world, he’s even requesting to wear his blue shirts!

He also interested in numbers– well, one number- 2. He loves to hold up two fingers, two items, two of anything and exclaim “TWO”- we just can’t get him to say- or care about- 1, 3 or any other number.

His other main interest (besides baseball and trucks of course) is Cookie Monster! He knows Elmo, Big Bird, etc… but he goes nuts for “Cookie”.  Apparently he flipped out in the toy aisle at Target with Grandma when he saw a stuffed cookie monster (so of course he came home with him). I don’t think it is a coincidence that Cookie happens to be blue!


{thanks Grandpa Stuart for the updated pics…if you want to see the adorable whole album… click here}